The blockchain ecosystem’s downward spiral has now ended and is holding steady at the low level making this a good time to invest in crypto-assets. Notable development in this month has been limited alpha-release of Zombies Battleground, a game by Loom Network, that runs on a sidechain of Ethereum blockchain.  The players collect and grow their card decks and battle with other players in real time. The game is not different from many other card-battle games with a twist!

The blockchain integration allows users to not only buy cards from the game-makers but also exchange with other users multitude of collectible cards each with their own powers and properties. There is also possibility of customisation and modding from other game developers for enhanced  playing experience. The game is available for all popular platforms i.e. Windows, Mac, Android and Apple.

I have tried out the alpha release and its quite fun to play against the AI with all cards available for deck building. The multiplayer play is expected to be a lots more interesting. Another point to note is that playing this game on small screen Android phone, the text on the cards is barely readable, although this is expected to get solved in future release.

This new feature-game is expected to increase interest in people about block-chain games which were earlier limited to browser based static games and  prove the potential of using sidechains for high-speed and high volume applications such as real-time games and other applications!

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October Update: New multiplatform Blockchain-sidechain games are here
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